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Weekly Drabble

These are the voyages of the starship Undertaking

Episode 1: Un-familiar encounter

The starship cruised through a whispy nebula.

"Sir." Eho, the communication officer saluted. "We are being hailed by an unknown entity."

"On screen."

The main screen showed a hideous face, contorted by rage.

A screeching voice: "What do you think you're doing?"

The captain flinched, then recovered his poise.

"We're on a scientific mission-"

"That's of no matter!" the voice interrupted. "You must return at once, impudent man!"

The captain, determined, signed for the communication channel to be closed.

"Never mind that," he said. "Proceed."

"What was that about?" Eho asked.

"That was my mother-in-law. I'm missing a family reunion."

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